Render in architecture: What is a render and how to use it?

A render in architecture is the most real approximation of an architect's mind. Creating spaces and architecture is a complex process that involves multiple stages of development. The conceptualization is the basis from which the following phases start, and therefore, which establishes the criteria, either of sensations or aesthetics, of the project. Transmitting those ideas, which initially live only within the thoughts of the architect, is the real challenge.

As technologies advance in the architectural industry, a sea of ​​possibilities is created, from which the tools that work best to give life to the ideas that swim within an imaginary are chosen. The digital world allowed the drawings to evolve to a render, both are images that express aesthetic intentions and in dimension of an architectural project, which distinguishes them is the technique, precision and speed in their development. That's why, A render in architecture has become an essential technique to communicate.

The render in architecture is a digital image of the architectural project.Mansuri / UNSPLASH Bilal.

What is a render image?

In general terms, A render in architecture is an objective image of a project architectural or interior design. It is the product of a work that involves the technical part and the imaginative and artistic part of an architect. In the world of architecture it is vital that the architect manages to transmit their project ideas to customers and their work team. This is achieved through two tools in different dimensions: the plans, in two dimensions, and the models, and their consequent renders, in three dimensions. The plans are the structure of every project, the base, both spatial and structural, which develops the spaces in the axes «X « and «and»or in colloquial terms, throughout. A render in architecture starts from a 3D modelingthat is, the dimension in height increases, the axis «z” In this way, the model is a digital replica of an architecture that aspires to be built.

Just as the plans are the basis for the 3D model, modeling is, in turn, the base of the render. The model not only adopts the dimensions, remitting, outgoing, vain, cornices or any architectural quality, this phase in the development of a project allows you to deepen the perception of architecture. To the materialize ideas through a digital tool Spatial areas that escaped from the architect's mind can be addressed, such as materialities, illuminations, atmospheres, aesthetics, among other characteristics. When the 3D model is ready, with all the emptying that makes up the architectural project, a static view of it is rendered, that is, it passes through a digitized process that generates a realistic image of the house, building or any architecture sample.

Then, the render in architecture is translated as the closest and most reliable representation of an architectural project. It is the image that exemplifies the shape of architecture, its materials, colors, textures, perception, in other words, A render is the image of how architecture will be seen. The post -editing process will be an addition to enhance the colors and general aesthetics, but the base is the visualization of architecture.