«The term brutalism To the French word 'Beton Brut', which means raw concrete. Many attribute to the Swedish architect Hans Asplund the coinage of the term when describing Villa Göth, a residential brick building, in 1949. However, the name was popularized by the critic of British architecture Reyner Banham, who wrote an essay in 1955 for the architectural review review entitled The new brutalismin which he tried to classify and define the emerging style. Later, in 1969, he would publish a book entitled New brutalism: ethics or aesthetics?; cOn time, the term brutalism was associated with the movement as a whole, «Bittoni says. British architects Alison and Peter Smithson can also be attributed to the generalized use of the name.» During the 1950s, they began using the term to describe their approach to modernism, which rejected nostalgia for previous architectural styles and the tendencies to beautify the structure. «
History of brutalist architecture
Brutalism arose after the end of World War II, and originally extended through the United Kingdom and Europe before extending to other parts of the world. At that time, multiple events and philosophies that contributed to the appearance of the brutalist structures. After the modernist movement of the time, the architects faced a new series of challenges, such as the shortage of resources, when designing in the postwar period. In addition, young architects considered that modernism represented little more than an aesthetic language and tried to create structures based on functionalism and monumental expression: «It emerged as a rejection of the decorative and ornamental architecturefocusing on simplicity and showing the honest expression of materials, «says Bittoni.
«The LE Corbusier Obreras Housing Complex, Cité Radieuse, which was part of the architect's social host, the style catalyst is usually considered. After a group of British architects established the brutalist style, it was reinforced by an architecture writer, Reyner Benham, who related the movement with the aesthetics of the raw concrete «Brutalist buildings were considered elementary, or raw art.»
What is the philosophy of brutalism?
«The philosophy of brutalist architecture is based on the belief that the architectural design It must give priority to functionality, honesty and social purpose, «explains Bittoni. The style is often associated with socialist utopian ideas, usually promoted by the architects of buildings. Many of the first brutalist buildings were Housing projects affordable that tried to reimagine architecture to respond to modern needs. «The style often seeks to show the gross beauty of materials, such as concrete, while emphasizing structural elements,» he adds. «The perceived 'darkness' or 'coldness' of brutalist buildings is often the result of the honest expression of the materials and a deliberate rejection of the decorative elementswhich reflects the approach of DESIGN IN FUNCTIONALITY and the socio -political context of his time. «
What was the problem of brutalist architecture?
Although brutalism was very popular for a few decades, over time public opinion began to change: «Some people seemed too austere and imposing style,» says Bittoni. This, added to a changing economic and political environment, contributed to its loss of popularity.