Aloe vera (aloe): care and health benefits of this medicinal plant

This plant can be grown on Earth straight in the garden, or in a pot. If you choose the second option it is important that you know that The container must have at least 50 centimeters deepbecause the root needs space to grow.

You have to take care that the land in which the plants has enough drainage to avoid flooding. The excess water could rot the plant. To avoid this, it is recommended Place gravel at the base of the pot.

It is important that you add Hummus of earthworm in the land of your aloe or aloe vera In spring, you can also do it to transplant it.

Sol, yes or no?

Although aloe supports spending a long time under the sun's rays It is not recommended, because the leaves can burn. So your sun exposure must be done in moderation.

Aloe Vera does not support temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, the ideal is that it is between 17 and 27 degrees.

How to take care of a aloe

Melisa Hildt / Unspash

Health benefits of Aloe Vera or aloe

As we had advanced, it is scientifically proven that the Aloe or aloe vera It provides diverse health benefits.

Aloe vera can be applied topicallythat is, through the skin or consumed orally. Sloe has proven useful in acne treatment, burns and cutaneous intoxication.

Studies cited by the National Institute of Health of the United States indicate that The topical use of Aloe It also helps people with simple herpes, lichen flat or psoriasis. When used in a manner taken, Sloe relieves the symptoms of irritable intestine syndrome and those of ulcerative colitis.