THE NIGHT OF THE ANIMAS: This is the tradition held in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán

The legend comes from the Purépecha people.

Erik Zavala

During the night of the souls, pre -Hispanic and Catholic beliefs are merged, which speaks of the influences of the pre -Columbian era and the inclusion of Catholicism in culture. In tradition it is believed that the souls of the deceased return with the family only for one night, with the purpose of loving, sharing and living. This is done through ceremonies and rituals of Michoacán, but the story comes from an incredible legend of Purépecha origin.

Animecha Kejisïtakua It has its origin in two princes of this cultureMintzita and Itzihuapa. The first was the daughter of King Tzintzicha and the second was the son of King Taré, ruling Janitzio. The story says that both fell in love intensely, but they could not marry or be together, because the Spaniards arrested Tzintzicha. The princess, that is, her daughter, offered an impressive treasure to the conquerors to free her dad, only there was a problem: he was under the waters of Pátzcuaro. Then, Prince Itzihuapa was forced to immerse himself by the loot. Unfortunately, once he was in the background, 20 rush shadows numb him and, eventually, they killed. But they did this so that the invaders would not take anything. Thus, the spectra made the prince into the guardian no. 21 of the Treasury; however, Every November 1, Janitzio's bells sound and before the call, he returns to be with his beloved. It is said that both rise to the slope to receive the offering of their inhabitants, who are grateful, especially him, for sacrificing for them.

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What is done on the night of the souls?

Given that The night of the souls celebrates the other life and last lifejust as the legend of the princes says, it is an opportunity for families to meet their loved ones, at least symbolically. So, among the activities, people meet in the pantheons to eat and «talk.» They offer flowers, food and ornaments.