Flower plants: what are and how to take care of them

The Flower plants They are the combination of perfection and beauty, in addition, they have the power to contribute calm and attract good energy. You may think that, being a mixture, they need more care than a plant without a flower can have, but it is not, in fact, it is very simple that you have several at home.

The Flower plants They will give a touch full of color to the decoration of your home and their presence in your life will reduce the risk of suffering anxiety and depression, according to some experts from the University of Seville. They will fill you with a good mood and, above all, even if you do not believe it, they will make you great company, spreading your nobility, joy and peace.

The flowers with flowers that you must have at home

Yes, you must take into account some indications, but there is nothing you should worry about, they are not from the other world.

Light is essential for Flower plants And that their pots have good drainage, because excess water can rot them. Remember that these little ones do not need popular care of spring flowers or those that you place in vase, are rather like almost all the interior plants you know.

It is a very resistant plant that tolerates climate changes.Loving Preciado / Pexels


There are different cyclamen colors such as white, pink, purple, among others. In general it is a very resistant plant that tolerates climate changes, however, you must move it away from heat sources such as stoves, radiators, chimneys, and so on.

It is also known as lilac flamenco flower or master's flower.Taylor Heery / Unspash


The Canturrio is a beautiful Anthumrium with lilac flowers; It is also known as Flamenco Lila or Flor del Master, and is one of the most beautiful species. It is a very resistant plant, although, yes, it does not support direct sunlight.