Social architecture, spaces for all people

It is important that urban planning considers Social Architecture Projects and public transport plans, services, public and green areas that guarantee participatory and inclusive spaces.

In the «Collective Space» category, the Banorte stadium «La Casa de los Borregos» was selected as a finalist.Courtesy of CEMEX.

So what is social architecture?

So, Social architecture considers the previous points To democratize access to architectural design and meet the aesthetic and functional needs of all people, regardless of their socio-economic or cultural situation.

An important example of social architecture and democratization of urban space We found it in the TEC district that included urban planning from the inhabitants and public and private investment for the restoration of public spaces.

So, Social architecture It seeks to improve the lives of people who will use space. A project of Social architecture must also work hand in hand with sustainable architecture. In this way it can be ensured that the impact of the work is not only positive at the social but also environmental level. Designing thinking of a better future should include the planet and its inhabitants, and building with this can help build a better tomorrow for everyone.

Examples of social architecture

In the world there are various examples of social architecture that impacts us, not only because of its aesthetics, but for everything around it. Here are some examples.

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The award -winning design was in charge of Snøhetta, under the direction of Jackie Martínez, Craig Dykers and more collaborators, but also has a scientific value in charge of the UDG in collaboration with Met Studios de London, Thinc Design of New York and some advisors. Likewise, the Metroarquitectura, JSA, Zap and Monolito offices were involved.