And in the medicinelavender is very see, since the essential oil From this plant it can be used to combat anxiety, depression and stress. Also, the lavender infusion It helps to relax, combat insomnia and improve the digestive system.
Lavender is usually grown in warm and sunny sites.Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels
What care does lavender need?
To maintain a lavender plant at home, it is important to follow some basic care.
Generally, Lavender is grown in warm and sunny placesseparated from trees, where you receive sun at least six hours a day, since this helps flourish.
Lavender needs an alkaline substrate For correct growth. In addition, it is essential that this has a good drainage, since moisture prevents its healthy growth.
When in garden or exteriors, the best is Place the lavender in the place that receives the most sun during the day, while indoors you can be placed next to the sun window directly.
Lavender can support times of drought, however, you must have moderate irrigation, Especially in the months of growth, avoiding wetting its branches and flowers, since doing so runs the risk of fungi. During the winterirrigation must be once a week, while summer, This must be occasional during the central hours.
He excess fertilization It can cause The flowering of lavender lose its powerful characteristic aroma. However, if the floor on which it is planted is very poor, it is advisable to apply a minimum amount before the flowering time.
It is recommended to perform a pruning at the beginning of spring or the arrival of autumnthat, before or after the flowering time, to stimulate the growth of new branches and flowers.