Yellow flowers, why shouldn't you give them in Valentine's Day?

Valentine It is the day the flowers become the Universal Language of Love. The bouquets are Excellent gifts For this day where love seems to be in the air. But before running to the nearest flower shop, there is a color that you should avoid: The yellow. Although at first glance, the yellow flowers They seem a cheerful, unique and positive energy option for your special person. They also have associations with friendship to interpretations that suggest separation or Bad luck in loveso there are several reasons why you might want to reconsider this choice.

If you want to make sure you Romantic gesture Have the right impact, here we explain Why giving yellow flowers in Valentine's Day may not be the best idea.

Yellow flowers are cheerful and full of energyANNIE SPRATT / UNSPLASH

They do not mean romantic love

If you were thinking about yellow flowers for your partnerstop a moment. This color is more associated with friendship and positive energy than with passionate love. In the language of flowers, yellow usually symbolizes joy and good wishes, but not necessarily romance. So if you seek to express deep love, it may be better to opt for red or even white roses.

A romantic gesture with the appropriate impactSAHIN SEZER / UNSPLASH

They symbolize separation

Beyond the traditional meaning, The yellow flowers They have been associated in different cultures with the idea of ​​farewells, ruptures and heartbreak. In some countries, even Giving them to them can be interpreted as a message that the relationship is coming to an end or that feelings have changed. In addition, in certain contexts, they can represent a love that is turning off or even infidelity which can generate confusion and misunderstandings.

Yes ok Not everyone interprets this color in the same wayit is important to consider how it could be perceived by the person who will receive the gift. After all, The objective of a gift in Valentine is to strengthen ties and transmit positive emotionsdo not generate doubts or uncertainty.