The architecture proportion is the key to a harmonious composition. Have you ever wondered why classical architecture is so beautiful to any eye? Well, the answer is because the Greeks and the Romans were extremely careful with the proportions of all the elements that made up their buildings. There was a balance that allowed expert and inexperienced people in the design to be able to appreciate their work.
The architectural composition requires a lot of sensitivity and, although the proportion is mathematics and measurements, also influences the ability to evoke harmony. Then we explain What is the proportion in architecture and how to apply it To your projects.
The proportion in architecture is harmony.Ivan Rohovchenko / Unspash.
What does the architecture proportion mean?
The proportion is the theorization in the composition. If you wonder what the architectural composition is, do not worry that we explain it to you. When we talk about composition, we refer to a series of elements that uniform a whole, whether something architectural or any branch of design. The elements are: hierarchy, balance, rhythm, unity, scale and, of course, proportion. So what is the architectural proportion? The proportion in architecture is the harmonious and mathematical relationship between the elements that make up a buildinga space or even a facade; Let's say it is the balance based on geometry, mathematics and modulations.
A perfect example to better understand the concept is the proportion used by the Greeks in their architecture. The columns kept a sensitive relationship between their slack and height, since the width of them was a unit or a module, and “n” was repeated number of times in its vertical section; The Doric columns were eight times the width in its height, the Jónicas Nine and the Corinthia Ten. In addition, the measures of the human body also functioned as modules, since their clearings were dictated by man: two, three, or more than ten times the width of a person. Therefore, the visual effect on Greek architecture is harmonious for all, because it is modulated in a system that, although they are not our current mathematics, if kept a global proportion among its elements. In the end, if you want to study the meaning of the proportion of a building, we recommend that you find the modulator, so you will realize that the height of a building could be the dimension of a repeated window a certain number of times, that its symmetry would be protected under the modulation of its columns or that its explodes in finishes would be the unit for the width of a facade. In architecture, everything is modulation and proportion.