The orientation for a house is as important as the foundations of the same. We know that the house is a nucleus, that refuge you will go to be protected, or recharge forces to continue conquering the world; It is the space that will be a temple for you and your family. For a place with such greatness, we understand perfectly that you want every minimum corner of it to be impeccable, even more, when it will be designed and built specifically for you.
There is much talk about the materials that will wear construction, interior design that will give personality to the spaces, or the square meters of the building, however, there is a primary detail that is little commented, but that is essential for additional decorations to reach their potential: The ideal orientation for a house. It sounds complicated, but we assure you that it is very simple and with dream results.
Antonia Cordero
The concept of guidance
Before entering the architectural councils, we will first define the term within the world of design. Speaking in general, orientation is the position of one object with respect to another. If we move this concept to architecture, then Orientation is the position of a building with respect to the sun. In this way, the famous cardinal points take relevance within the constructions, because they are responsible for a space to be more or less hot, or that the lighting is prolonged or limited.
Now, by cardinal points we refer to the north, east, south and west, and these are governed by the phenomenon of rotation of the Earth. Thus, the sun creates a specific trajectory for each region of the world, that is, The incidence of this star will not be the same in Mexico as in Japan And, therefore, Mexican and Japanese architecture will have unique characteristics according to the amount of sunlight they receive; Even the incidence can vary in the same place between winter and summer. To the above, we know it as rust, and it is an element of design that we consider when projecting any building.