The Mayan culture He is known in the world for his impressive contributions to the world, including astronomy and his knowledge in this regard. Without a doubt, the teachings of this ancestral culture They have transcended the years, so much so that to date, during the Spring equinox We are witnessing the most impressive made in a pyramid: Kukulkán (either Quetzalcoatl for the Aztecs) go down until «gather» with the spectators.
That's right, en the pyramid of Chichen Itzá or Kukulkán temple The shadow of a snake is observed that seems to go down while the day takes place; That is, thanks to the Sun's movement, the shadows generate the effect of movement when projecting along the stairs, only in the equinox of spring and in autumn.
This speaks of the studies that The Maya They had regarding the astronomy and architectureso they made their main construction in Chichén Itzá, that is to say, The Pyramid of Chichen Itzá or Kukulkán Castle Dedicated to the feathered snake, it was positioned in such a way that the sun would generate The phenomenon twice a year.
The Maya adopted Kukulkán as the main deity.Chico Sanchez / Getty Images.
A little history
The story of The pyramid of Chichén Itzádedicated to Kukulkán Live at a time when Tula's Toltec warriors arrived at what we know today as Yucatan. There they lived The Maya, A cultured community, but little prepared for the fight, so they were easy to conquer. Thus, in a short time, they adopted the main God as his own, Kukulkánwhose equivalent in the Aztec culture was Quetzalcoatl.
The worship of the new deity added to the astronomical studies that The Maya They presumed, resulted in a calendar made up of 18 months of 20 days each and one month with five days, together they gave 365 days. This solar calendar It was read perfectly by the priests and they determined the best days of planting, the harvest and the rains. They directed the construction of The pyramid of Chichén Itzáthat being the object of the sun twice a year, generates a unique phenomenon: Kukulkán goes down his temple.
Kukulkán and Quetzalcoatl are the same God?
For a long time they have been compared to both deities, because the resemblance is impressive; however, Quetzalcoatl It is more similar to a dinosaur, while Kukulkán It looks like a dragon, according to archaeologists. Even with this, they represent the same values and virtues for cultures Maya and Aztecasuch as abundance, good harvests and above all, well -being for those who formed them.