1. Prepare the base of the new pot Or the garden area where you want to plant the pot, creating a drain layer so that excess water flows.
2. Place a crop of crockery in the pot of the pot and pour a few centimeters of expanded clay or other drainage material.
3. Prepare the substrate, Mixing it with river sand and fertilizer suitable for your plant, and place it in the new pot.
4. Remove the plant from the previous container, either with the help of the shovel or lying the pot and doing some pressure to extract it little by little. In case your plant is in the garden, you have to dig a little around and extract the plant carefully.
5.Check the roots of your plant And, in case they are a spiral shape or are too tight, make small vertical cuts with the help of scissors.
6. Place the plant in the new pot, So the root is at the ground level, and fill in empty spaces with the earth, taking care of leaving a few free centimeters between the earth and the edge of the pot so that the earth does not come out when you laugh.
7. Press the substrate with the help of the hands or tools To prevent air bags from inside the pot and water the plant.
8. Finally, leave your plant two or three days in a luminous area, preventing you from directly receiving sunlight. After this period, your plant will have adapted to put it in a new definitive location.
Now that you know how and when doing this process, what do you expect to transplant your plants?