Casa Nautilus, a benchmark for organic architecture

Javier Senosiain's project consists of a construction at the bottom of the property, surrounded by a garden, With pedestrian and vehicular accesses on the front, thus a little traditional facade.

For its construction, this architect used natural materials such as stone, earth and wood, as well as materials that can be recycled. However, its structure was created with steel frames coated with wire mesh and a thin layer of concrete.

Thanks to this technique, this house has rounded and natural curves, without load walls or pillars. It is the toral form in spiral continues that gives a structural rigidity to this work.

The rooms of Casa Nautilus are cavities that allow the entry of natural light.



The interior of Casa Nautilus is full of spirals, textures and soft forms, free of marked angles, such as Interior of a mollusk. In addition, this work adapts to terrain slopes, avoiding straight lines.

When accessing from the outside, it goes up A staircase And, after crossing a huge colored stained glass Inside, a space experience is generated, where furniture seem to melt on the work, as if they were part of nature.

Nature inside

Nautilus house is not only surrounded by nature, but this is part of its interior. Therefore, there is this account with a interior garden and a stone staircase, that leads to the different areas of the house.

Open space

Except some curved walls, this house It lacks divisions or pillars. The ground floor, bedrooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms and kitchen are part of an open space.

Room and study

The room in this house It emerges from the inner garden, which is surrounded by the staircase that ascends by spiral. Following the ladder, the study can be accessed, from where the mountain landscape and the entrance of natural light can be contemplated.


Nautilus house rooms are cavities that allow the entry of natural light. Like the other spaces, they lack internal divisions, achieving an open and unified area.

Sea bath

The Nautilus house bath is a unique space, since that It recreates the marine depths with sand walls, blue tiles and round windows. In addition, it has a niche on the wall, from which a jet of water comes out as a spring that sprouts from the rock.