What is the resort of sage? Originally from southern Europe, Salvia is an aromatic and medicinal herbwhich has different uses due to its natural properties.
The Salvia serves From decoration and gastronomy to cosmetics and medicine, sage It can be used in different presentations, according to benefits of this that they want to take advantage of.
Next, We share 10 different uses of the sage that you must know.
What is the resort of sage?
There are different types of sage – some of them like the Salvia Divinorum of Mexican origin – and you can have them at home to take advantage of their benefits and uses.
One of the Sage Properties is that this plant strengthens the immune system, since it helps eliminate bacteria and serves as an antiseptic in case of wounds and infections, so it is usually a component of medicinal creams.
Another of the Sage Uses They are antioxidant creams, since this plant helps delay the oxidation of tissues, contributing to healing and maintaining a hydrated and healthy complexion.
The aroma of sage is strongso one of its uses is aromatherapy, which allows muscle relaxation, fights insomnia and help reduce anxiety.
Sage extract gel It is ideal for refreshing reddish skin after sun exposure, as well as to apply after shaving, as it moisturizes and closes the pores.
Hair and skin
Whether in cream or oil, the sage favors the health of hair and helps treat some types of dermatitis, as well as keeping the skin and complexion clean.
Cognitive activity
Another use of sage in aromatherapy It is that this helps increase cognitive functionality, since it improves the level of activity and mental functionality, stimulating memory.