The enchiladas, one of the most popular dishes of Mexican gastronomy

If you have ever told you, «If they are not enchiladas» To refer to that things are more difficult than it seems, you must give the reason to that person, because The enchiladas are of the richest and most simple Mexican dishes to prepare. So you can have a rich snack, complete in nutrients and easy to perform at home.

Enchiladas can be very spicy or notthere are several types and can be without filling or with chicken, cheese or meat and in all their presentations they are a delight to the palate. In addition, there is no special time to eat them, the whole year is ideal to prove a rich order of the delicacy, whose history is interesting and, of course, delicious.

«If they are not enchiladas.»Nahima Aparicio / Unspash.

What is the history and origin of the enchiladas?

To know the origin of the enchiladas We must make a leap to the past, to pre -Columbian civilizations. The Florentine Codex mentions the word Chillapitzalliwhich refers to Chillithat is, Chile and Tlapitzaliwhich means flute. That is to say, Enchilated flutewhich indicates that they are rolled tortillas bathed or with Chile.

While now the flutes are exactly that definition, the same is attributed preparation for enchiladas, Only change them. If it is an rolled omelette, these are folded like cheese. It is believed that it was an evolution of the dish itself, so Both flutes and enchiladas share history.

The enchiladas are very variant and are delicious.Gentilesco. ─ Karolina Ferretis / Unspash.

How many types of enchiladas exist?

Enchiladas eat throughout the country, but each region has its own particularities deposited in its saucer. So there is a variety of the same ideals for all tastes. There are green enchiladas, red, Michoacanas, potosinas, regiomontanas, northern, Nicaraguans, gringas, Guatemalans, miners, mole, cool, entomatted, Swiss and more, but the most common are:

Green enchiladas

They are the most common and simple to do. These enchiladas are prepared with tomato and green chiles. Epazote and coriander is usually added in the preparation and the tortillas are stuffed with chicken or debris.

Swiss enchiladas

These are a variant of the greenbut they differ because the sauce is prepared with cream, so the spicy decreases and becomes thicker. They are also gratin with Manchego or Oaxaca cheese (also known as cheese) and are stuffed with debrising chicken.

Potosine enchiladas

As his name says, they are from San Luis Potosí. The dough is mixed with a puree of Colorado Chile or any red to give the distinctive flavor. Tortillas are filled with cheese, minced or beans and sprinkle with grated cheese, or, with cream. There are those who accompany them with avocado.

Red enchiladas

Like the greens, a sauce with tomato and wide chili is prepared or Guajillo, in addition to other condiments to give it a delicious taste. They are very popular in the center and north of the country. They are filled with indulgence, potatoes, cheese or chopped and add cream and cheese.

Mining enchiladas

These are very common in relatively small ranches and villages, where Fresh local ingredients are consumed. To the tortillas already filled with rancher cheese and onion, the sauce made with Chile Guajillo is applied. Before they must go fried in butter, to make them crispy and delicious. It can be sprinkled cheese, lettuce, chili rajas in pickle, carrot and potatoes in pieces.