Honey candles are an excellent option to accompany any ritual. Since ancestral times, candles have been used in rituals and ceremonies due to Your ability to connect with spiritual energies, manifest intentions and generate propitious environments for meditation or reflection.
In particular, these types of candles are known for their Properties related to POSITIVE ENERGY ATTRACTIONharmony and sweetness in relationships. Turn on these candles on specific dates, such as on the 11th and 22nd of each monthhas become a popular practice among those who seek to balance their energies, attract prosperity and strengthen their spiritual intentions.
What do honey candles mean?
Honey candles have a deep symbolism that combines the spiritual properties of honey and the energy of fire. Honey, produced by bees, is a natural element associated with sweetness, abundance and prosperity. It represents the hard work and the reward obtained after the effort, as well as the harmony between living beings and nature.
On the other hand, the candles represent the fire element, a powerful energy transformative that symbolizes lighting, purification and movement. By combining both elements in honey candles, The ritual capacity to attract the positive is enhanced, transform the negative and strengthen intentions.
Why light honey candles on 11 and 22?
In numerology, 11 and 22 are considered «master numbers», which means that they are endowed with special energies:
- The number 11 It symbolizes intuition, spiritual lighting and the path to personal fulfillment. It is a number that invites you to reflect on our goals and align our actions with our highest purpose.
- The number 22 It is known as the «builder teacher», related to the materialization of dreams and goals through concrete efforts. It represents stability, manifestation and balance.