Winter plants: 13 perfect flowers for cold weather

The Winter plants They are special. Some plants can remain in the garden without protection even in the cold of a German winter. One thing must be said in advance: winter resistant plants are not automatically perennial plants. And even perennial flowers do not bloom during the twelve months of the year. Resistant flowers differ from non -resistant in which winter can spend in their garden without special protection; Some of them even bloom in winter.

Each of the following 13 floors is considered winter resistant, even at temperatures below zero. We will also explain what you should know about wintering and flowering time.

Cornuda violet

Cornuda violet (Viola Cornuta) It is suitable as a resistant balcony plant for the gardener and as a resistant garden plant. This flower grows especially well in sunny or semi -shade places. The young violet cornuda can be planted from March to October and tolerates temperatures of up to ⎻15 ° without protection. The plant will not flourish if there are frosts, also between the end of December and mid -February.

Of a beautiful purple color, the violet cornuda blooms for a especially long time. Although it is actually considered a precursor plant of the primevera, virtually all year flourishes.

Kathrine Andi / Getty Images.


The lavender (Lavandula), especially true lavender, is popular and, as a pot plant, can withstand winter temperatures up to -15 °. If you prune the branches of the lavender towards the end of summer, it can even bloom a second time in autumn. In winter, it is important to keep the plant in a sunny outdoor place and protect it from excessive humidity and wind.

The aroma of lavender gives a touch of the south of France that the rest of the envy world. The good thing is that the plant can survive even the most raw winter.

Oksana Nazarchuk m / getty images.

Autumn or Ánster Margarita

With the exception of the summer rster, all Ásteres are resistant to winter and can be classified as winter plants. Ship them between March and May or between September and November, preferably in the garden. Only at the beginning the rster is also suitable as a pot or balcony plant.