Column in architecture: Wué is, evolution and characteristics

Likely, The column in architecture is the oldest structural element in constructive history. Over the centuries, this vertical body was aesthetically transformed, as it was adjusted to the canons of each era. He also adopted symbolic meanings beyond his support capacity, and even became a commemorative environment.

High, diminished, monumental, slender, robust, decorated, smooth, double, in «V» … The possibilities and varieties of the column in architecture are infinite. Intrigued about this architectural concept? We have good news, because here you will find Everything you need to know about the column in architecture.

The column is the basic vertical element in architecture.Kirill / Unspash.

What does the column mean in architecture?

In technical terms, it is told Column in architecture to the vertical element that receives the loads and thrusts of their enclosures and transfers them to its base. In other words, The column is one that supports horizontal structureswhether roofs, arches, lintels, vaults, domes, among others. Some theorists deduce that the column was, together with the lintel, the beginning of architecture, as it transformed shelters into a constructive system. Even the Stonehenge structure is mentioned as a historical sample of the transcendence of said architectural body.

As for its composition, The column in architecture has been made of almost any materialand was often covered to fit in the aesthetics of his period. The Greeks used marble and limestone to adjust to their mythological beauty. Throughout the Middle Ages, wood, brick and stone were the main materials to build the columns. Once the industrial revolution reached the architecture, the masonry was left behind and were erected between steel and concrete.

The section, circular or rectangular, is what gives it the name of column or pilar.Simon Lee / UNSPLASH.

What is a pillar and a column?

Everything in architecture has a reason for being, even the terms that, although they seem the same, are not. To differentiate a column from a pillar it is necessary to check its section. When talking about the section, it refers to its base, that is, the shape that is extruded to form the column.

If the base of the element is A circle, the column name is granted. On the contrary, if its section is polygonal, then it is said that it is a pillar. In addition to this difference, it is also necessary to mention that load resistance is not the same. The pillar is stronger than the column. In contemporary architecture it is normal to see that large buildings have columns, sometimes its section is circular, but in other cases it is a covered pillar to give the appearance of having a rounded section. It all depends on the material and structural design of the project.