How to make homemade compost step by step not to fail in the attempt

Composer: It is a container or container to carry out composting, either plastic, wood or cardboard. If you do not have a composter, you can use a cardboard box or do it in a ditch in the garden.

Composta aerator: It is a metal rod with a spiral -shaped end to mix your compost.

Pruning scissors: These are useful for cutting the branches or materials that will be used for mixture.

Shovel: Your use to extract your compost once you are ready. Organic materials to perform the compost, of which we will talk below.

Before making home compost, it is important to have the necessary organic tools and materials.


What organic materials are recommended to make homemade compost?

Not all materials are suitable for home compost, Since many of them can be toxic, attract unwanted animals and generate bad smell. Therefore, the Recommended organic subjects are:

Brown materials– Wooden remains – dried and perennial leaves cut into pieces – cut grass, preferably dried – punric remains

Green materials– citrus, fruits and vegetables, whether small peels or pieces – tea remains and coffee storms – animal manure such as horses, cows, sheep or chickens

In addition to the organic materials mentioned, there are certain fundamental microorganisms, such as worms, which are part of the natural composting process.

On the other hand, the waste you should avoid to make homemade compost are:

– Meat, bones or fish – The ashes of coal and sawdust of treated woods – Remains of cooked food – excrement of carnivorous animals such as cats or dogs – oils and fats – inorganic materials such as plastics, cans or metals – sick plants – dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.

Brown and green materials are recommended to make homemade compost.

Francesco Vaninetti Photo / Getty images

What are the steps to make homemade compost?

Once you have Organic tools and subjects To make your compost, you must follow the following steps, taking into account that the process of Composting is generally 4 to 6 months.