Differences between a hotel and a hostel

Have you wondered what are The differences between a hotel and a hostel? Actually, although both spaces are designed to give the most comfortable accommodation possible for guests, they have certain characteristics of their own. It is also known that there is a wide range of options to stay, for example, a hotel Boutique With an incredible design, an Airbnb that allows you to live a more local experience, a hotel all included with special amenities, a very comfortable hostel, a more traditional hotel, and many others. However, there is usually confusion between hotels and hostels.

Although each country has local regulations and minimum requirements with which it must meet accommodation, it is important to mention that, among others, The main difference between a hotel and a hostel It lies in its size, in the services they offer and at the level of comfort.

Next, we explain some of The key differences to take into account between a hotel and a hostelbut it is important to investigate well since they are generalizations that can vary depending on each place and establishment.

Hotel rooms are private, and many times they have more space.VisualSofdana / Unspash.


Many times, When thinking about a hostel, An image with bedroom style rooms for multiple people, as well as shared bathrooms, arrives. This is not entirely true, since hostels have changed over the years, so many offer private rooms with their own bathroom and large beds.

As for accommodation itself, The hostel is considered in a category lower than that of the hotel for its «comforts». For example, it is not necessary that you have a complete building for accommodation, since it can cover some continuous floors connected. In addition, it offers private or shared rooms, the same with the private bathroom. Hotels, on the contrary, only offer private rooms and have complete complexes, that is, several -story buildings, even.