Healthy through the vibrations of Tibetan bowls

Healthy through the vibrations of Tibetan bowls

Marco Antonio Rodríguez / Eyeem / Getty Images.

The vibrations of Tibetan Basins They are an ancient technique that you can apply to improve your physical, mental and emotional well -being. Just as Feng Shui instructs how home decoration and organization can impact the harmony and atmosphere of your home, Nāda Yoga introduces the art that combines meditation with acoustic reverberationsS To achieve a balance in environmental oscillations that, according to this philosophy, achieve the healing of the body and mind.

The use of Tibetan bowls is a complex practice That goes beyond the reproduction of relaxing melodies and sounds, since from the composition of the instrument to the way of touching it, they have a meaning that explains how their music helps the guidelines of the immense energy centers located in the human body, known as chakras. However, we teach you What are these instruments, how to use them properly and the benefits that the vibrations of the Tibetan basins will bring to your health.

Tibetan bowls are a very old remedy that uses musical vibrations to heal the body and mind.

Andreas Krumwiede / Eyeem / Getty Images.

What are Tibetan basins?

Also known as Tibetan singers, these artifacts They originated approximately in 480 AC For the yoga or yoga of sound, this is one of the most popular tools to reproduce the resonances that most help the bodysince according to this doctrine, the universe is a constant flow of energies that contain different degrees of vibration, which can contribute both positive and negative loads.

The authentic sunger bowls They are handmade in old molds and base of a combination of seven metals. Each of them refers a planet of the solar system, so that Lead is Saturn, gold is the sun, silver is the moon, copper is Venus, iron is Mars, mercury is mercury and tin is Jupiter. Tibetan bowls are used by hitting them or rubbing them with a drumstick, that is, a wooden instrument that can be surrounded by materials, such as rubber, silicone or cotton, which will impact on the sound class generated.