What is a color palette? How to create one and what is it for?

According to Color psychology theorythese can influence our behavior or mood. For example, Warm colors, like yellowThey stimulate our creativity, appetite, etc. While warm colors give a feeling of tranquility and calm.

That is why it is important Pay attention when you choose the color paletteregardless of the objective for which you are going to choose it. A color palette will also help you define identity of a brand or even a personal identity if you are looking for a palette to design your home.

How to make a color palette?

To create one Color palette you must take into account several factorswe recommend you read about the various color theoriessuch as Goethe and Luscher's to distinguish the sensations that each color transmits.

The color wheel or chromatic circle

It is also interesting Check the color wheel or chromatic circle. It is a resource where the primary, secondary and tertiary colors appear and, in addition, variants of each color depending on its saturation, tone and luminosity.

Although it may seem an easy task, Creating a color palette has a certain level of complexity. That is why we are going to present some traditional color standards that facilitate ** the creation of colored palettes. **

Color palette chromatic circle


Monochromatic colors

These colored palettes are composed of a color and different tones, nuances and dyes. Monochromatic palettes are ** with a color and that color is added black or white. **

Complementary colors

The complementary color palette It is a bit more daring, because it is formed by the opposite colors of the colored wheel, such as red and green, or blue and yellow.

Analogous colors

This palette is easy to create Well, it is armed with the three colors that are together on the color wheel. These colors share tone and then it is easy to create the feeling of comfort. An example of this is A palette formed by red, orange and yellow.

Triadic color palette

This palette is created using three different colors that are located at the same distance in the colored wheel.

The advantage of this palette is that it creates very attractive combinations, but it is difficult to create.