We are in full spring and just as there are extremely hot days, There are other very rainy, so your seedlings are exposed to many changes and they may look sick or somewhat decayed.
Unfortunately, Spring is not always beneficial for them Because although it is a great era of flourishing, it is not precisely the best for them, since atrophy and in some cases, kills them. Even if you don't seem like it, Some seedlings suffer with the spring time and do not realize.
Therefore You have to give them special care with fertilizers, which are not only found in stores or specialized boutiques, but they are at homemaybe in the kitchen we already tell you what they are.
Coffee waste
If you usually drink direct coffee from the coffee maker, Do not throw the waste, since you have a home fertilizer there. These are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and also provide iron and acidity to the earth. Apply two or three loads in a bottle of a liter and a half of water for about eight hours. Cuela and With the liquid that is watering the land of your plantsnot to the plant as such. Remember that the nutrients of your natural fertilizer must go directly to Earth.