Say goodbye to snails and slugs of the garden in a natural way

Some plants and food repel the snails and slugs naturally.

Аексей обов / getty images

Repellent plants

There are plants like The rosemary, lavender, mustard, sage, capuchina, begonia and geraniums, which scare the snails and slugsso you can plant them in your garden. In the same way they will help you away the mosquitoes.

Grain salt

Thick salt is another home remedies to eliminate snails and slugs. Can make a fine layer Of this around your plants, taking care not to fall into excess, since it could damage your plants.

Egg shells

Like salt, pieces of egg shells form an unpleasant barrier For these insects, so putting some near your plants helps to get away.

Avoiding moisture in plants helps eliminate snails and slugs.

Dilip NR / Getty Images

Nut soap

Another natural way of fighting snails and slugs It is to spray the soap that is obtained from the washing nuts on the plants. Remember to leave it a little time or repeat every month, not if you need to do it constantly.

Drip irrigation

Snails and slugs love moisture, so, if you use the method of drip irrigation, plants will not have that humidity that attracts these insects.

Natural predators

In case of country houses or surrounded by nature, it is very easy for natural predators They move away the snails and slugs. The Toads, frogs, turtles, snakes, ducks and chickens They usually feed on them, so there is nothing more to let nature act.