As well as gastronomy or tourist destinations, also There is a list that determines the hottest place on Earth. Each year the planet temperatures are monitored to determine where there is more heat concentration and where less, not only to warn the inhabitants of each area; but to understand and analyze the deterioration of the planet and the effects of climate change. However, this is nothing a contest.
The last 2023 was a very extreme year in terms of weather. Therefore in the country is one of the coldest places on the planet: the famous «freezer of Mexico», which is La Rosilla, in Durango. And according to some NASA scientists, The hottest place on Earth is also in Mexico, and we refer to the Sonora desertplace that is warm par excellence; However, for 2023 it reached its maximum temperature.
The Sonora desert divides Mexico and the United States.Thomas Roche / Getty images.
Sonora's desert, the hottest place on earth
The Sonora desert is a very broad region at the north of the Gulf of California, which divides Mexico and the United States. When covering a large part of the surface, it is very difficult to determine the total temperature; However, for 2023, a NASA satellite detected a surface temperature of 80.8 ° C, which warned of scientists.
It should be noted that this temperature refers to that of the ground, that is, the one that comes from “below”, but not to the winds that is lower and therefore at night it is a cold place. Even this was the highest registered temperature of the entire Earth and quickly began investigations. In addition to NASA, other institutions also dedicated studies, such as the Intercultural Center for Desert and Ocean Studies (CEDO), whose specialist, Abelardo Castillo, assured The Universal who thinks it was the El Pinacate area. That is why The hottest place on Earth is in Mexico, since that temperature was not registered on the side of the United States.
What was the hottest place on Earth before Sonora desert?
Previously, the world record for high temperatures had it The Death Valley in California (Yes, very close to Sonora's desert). The highest temperature recorded in this area was 56.7 ° C. However, NASA scientists believe that Sonora's desert could overcome it in previous years; However, there was not enough technology to measure in that area.
This is based on other studies that determine that Mexico is one of the countries that have suffered the wreaked of global warming, since even the Pacific Ocean is affected by phenomena such as “El Niño” that is related to the heating of waters.