Cempasúchil flower: how to identify the Mexican of China

The cempasúchil flower He is a great representative of Mexico and, so much, of one of the favorite traditions of each year: Day of the Dead. This beautiful flower is already considered part of our identity from many generations behind, in fact, archaeologists discovered evidence that the Cempasúchil It was used for 3 thousand years in Mesoamerica.

The name Cempasúchil It comes from the Nahuatl Cempohualxochitlwhat does it mean Viente Petal Flower either several flowers; In the pre -Hispanic era, the Mexicans related their beautiful and attractive yellow color to that of the sun, therefore, the belief that these flowers would be the guide of the deceased to reach their offerings arose.

And so it was, since since then it has become part of a very special tradition to integrate the cempasúchil flower in the altars and offerings of all Mexican families for centuries … to date.

Puebla occupies the first place in production of the cempasúchil flower In the country, however, although it is a Mexican species, China saw a great business opportunity and has now positioned itself as leader of its production.

There are two types of cempasúchil flower.Future Publishing / Getty Images.

Cempasúchil flower, how to identify the Mexican of China

The cempasúchil flower from China is known as Marigold And, although it is very similar to the Mexican, it has some differences with which you will learn to identify it with the naked eye.

  • Marigiold It is much smaller than the Mexican flower.
  • It is usually sold in pots.
  • The color is less intense than that of the cempasúchil flower Mexican, that is, it is rather yellow and not so orange.
  • The flower dies quickly and its seeds do not germinate.
  • It does not have the aroma that characterizes the cempasúchil flower.