You've surely read ad over Money plantswhich attract fortune and also look spectacular. Good, The millionaire plant is one of them And as his name says, he attracts economic abundance and is easy to take care of, as long as you are constant with her.
The millionaire plant is actually called Pectranthus verticillatus; However, other names that have been given are Abundance plant, dollar or money plant. Thus, according to Feng Shui, This pendant plant It helps generate energy in the economic area, that is, it attracts fortune.
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How is the millionaire plant?
According to Fenng Shi, The millionaire plant has a meaning of spiritual growth and improvement, as well as fortune and abundance. Its leaves are round – or almost – and it is pendant, so it grows up, but it goes down gradually until its twigs extend.
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Essential care of the millionaire plant
Initially, you should know that The millionaire plant requires a warm climate; However, it does not tolerate direct sunlight, so we recommend you put it near the window or a terrace with shade. Being hanging, it is important that you have enough space towards the ground to prevent its growth from being limited, although it does not grow as a telephone or a skeleton.
Now, Regarding the irrigation of your millionaire plant You should know that it needs more water than other types of homemade plants, requiring that moisturizing at least three times a week during the summer, while in the winter you can give it guide only once a week. Likewise, it is recommended Do not flood the land of the millionaire plantsince spots could be born on the leaves.
To give it more strength and grow more speed, it is enough to give it earthworm as a fertilizer in summer or spring and its growth will be fast, it will also look very leafy and its branches will not touch the ground, but it will be noticed large and my green.