How to take care of lavender? Tips to always keep it radiant

Although the general rule is water it once a week During spring and summer, while in autumn and winter it is enough to do it Once every fifteen daysit is best to pay attention to your appearance to know when it takes water: if it is declined, then it needs irrigation.

In the coldest months, the recommendation is Water it in broad daylight to prevent moisture from accumulating during the night and doing it directly in the stem Without wetting the flowers. Another parameter will be to put a wooden stick about 10 centimeters deep and if when it is full of ground, then the substrate is still wet. If it comes out with fine dust, then it is moment to water again Your lavender.

Lavender also has soothing properties and its aroma is used to reduce anxiety.

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Pruning and fertilization

Pruning must be discreet and cut less than half from the length of each plant exactly after its flowering or when winter approaches to grow again once spring arrives. The withered leaves They must be removed as soon as possible to prevent the plant from spending energy on them and losing their ability to bloom.

Regarding fertilization, it is best Avoid any kind of fertilizerbecause lavender alone can maintain its characteristic flowering and smell. Follow these tips and you will keep your healthy lavends and full of life easily.

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