Just as there are those who give you fortune, There are plants that bring bad luck with them; We know that it is not nice to hear it because they are all beautiful and they seem harmless. However, according to the Feng Shuiyou must carefully select the species to which you will open the doors of your home.
Scientifically it cannot be verified that they exist plants that attract bad luckbut there are traditions and practices that associate certain species with the evil augury, depending on Lby way and place in which they are placed.
Plants that attract bad luck and did not know
Through the years, currents have emerged that try to explain the Energy flow in life and the Feng Shui It is one of these. This oriental practice seeks physical and emotional harmony through the order of home elements, and plants are part of it. Thus, there are species that are associated with good and bad luck; Most depend on the way in which you can at home.
Hortensias need a lot of moisture to survive.LARISA BIRTA / UNSPLASH
Hortensias are the favorite flowers of many, however, according to Feng Shui, This plant symbolizes lonelinessfailure and isolation. If you are a lover of these, it is best to The colors abroad so that they do not flood your home of these negative elements.
Feng Shui ensures that geraniums should not be inside your home due to the negativity that can absorb. The best thing is to place these plants on terraces or gardens, thus they will become large Color and joy carriers.