One of the challenges of having Plants at home is that these are not seen affected by pests, since the most common usually easily proliferate, consuming the stems, roots and leaves of these.
In addition to the basic care, The important thing with pests is Be an observer To be able to Identify in time and apply some home remedies To cure your plants.
Next, we share the most common pests in plants and how to avoid them.
What are the most common pests in plants?
There are various pests that They affect growth and development of plants, being the most common:
Are small insects that consume the green pigment of the leaves and stems of plants such as succulent, orchids, rosemal and violet. They can be identified since plants begin to have yellowish tones.
These insects usually affect any plant that gives flowers, Like orchids, causing small scars on the back of their leaves and in the petals.
Another of the most common pests are the scales, which tend to stick to the stem of plants such as orchids and citrus trees, That is, lemon, orange, tangerine. These are noticed by the bumps that are formed in the stems
White mosquitoes
This plague is usually common in medicinal plants, such as peppermint or chamomile, lavender and begonias. The excrement of these insects affects the leaves, which in turn cause the reproduction of fungi.
Larvae or worms
These insects usually originate with Butterflies, which They put their eggs on the leaves And later, They feed on them. They are common in plants such as basil, peppermint, small shrubs, orchids or violets.
Snails and tlaconetes
These insects They are extremely aggressive for plants with fleshy foliage, which bite the leaves and produce drool, causing a brown hue at the edges. They are also usually hidden on the ground or at the bottom of the pots.
Irinous louse
This insect It is characterized by sucking the sap of the plant and leaving it with yellowish tones, accumulating mounds that resemble fluff or flour waste. They are common in small orchids or shrubs.