Talk about Luis Barragán is talking about modernism. The architect born in Jalisco was the one who raised the cleaning of strokes, the transparency, the visual continuity between the outside and the interior, the colors and the omission of surface elements to the point of make your style an art form.
With his work, Barragán achieved a new way of understanding spaces and reality. One of the first steps that the architect born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, took in 1902, was to break with figurative accessories and false traditionalisms, such as ornaments, which were still used in the first half of the twentieth century. Luis Barragán's architecture It is the balance between the straight line, the big walls without ornaments and timeless.
At the time, he, and other architects of his generation as Ricardo Legorreta and Antonio Atollini, They questioned the absence of style and identity of styles as functionalism. For them, architecture should be focused on their social and environmental environment.
Several specialists have pointed out that Barragán resumed part of A Mexican Aesthetics in its most significant elements such as the wall, the game between openings and massifs; the Textures and color, one of the most marked peculiarities in his work.
Among his greatest proud are some well -known and others not so renowned, but they are all fascinating and key to understanding it.
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Luis Barragán house
The construction of the house began in 1947 and concluded a year later. The idea was to create a facade that could go almost unnoticed abroad in the context of the Tacubaya neighborhood. From the hall, every visitor realizes that It is a very emotional spaceconsidering that this is completely yellowand are followed by Mexican and blue pink colors, and others that alert the senses to live the experience in full. Construction is preserved intact since 1988with everything and the architect's belongings, in the order he had when he lived the place.
Was The last project of the architectHe did it when he was 80 years old. Its design was inspired by Mexican culture and Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. L home was designed on a small terrain also from the Tacubaya neighborhood. Two curiosities, a beautiful jacaranda and the colors that were used, white, red and azu were composed of the painter Chucho Reyes.