13 Interior trees that will fill your home in life

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Where to place a tree inside your house

The question about where to place the interior trees cannot be answered in a generalized way. Although most trees grow better in a bright place and some species need several hours of suns per day, others prefer shadow. A greenhouse is usually ideal to provide the necessary light conditions, but larger spaces such as rooms or bedrooms are also reliable. Keep in mind that the further a tree of light is, the lower its potential light performance. If you decide to place the tree in front of a window, remember not to cover it with curtains. In addition to the light factor, space is also essential. If the roofs are too low or the rooms are too full, the tree may not grow correctly. Before buying one, you must be clear how much space the tree in question needs.

How to take care of your interior tree

As with the location, There is no universal rule for the care of all interior trees. Some interior trees need more care while others require less.

Nevertheless, Water is essential for the survival of all trees. Therefore, a constant water supply must be guaranteed and avoid flooding. You just have to water when the land of the pot looks dry on the surface. From spring to autumn, that is, From the beginning of April to the end of September, you must pay the trees regularly. Interior trees with large leaves should be cleaned with a soft cloth or rinse with warm water. It is also advisable to transplant them regularly so that the roots have enough space.

What interior trees are poisonous?

Interior trees decorate our rooms, but unfortunately They can be poisonous or even mortal for young children and pets. For example, rubber sap contains substances that can cause skin or diarrhea irritation in humans. Saponins, which are polluting plant substances, are found in cassava, elephant leg and drago, and are especially toxic to cats and dogs. Avocado is especially dangerous for cats because their leaves contain a toxin called Persina.

Article originally published in AD Germany.
Translation and adaptation of Camila Colina.