Zamioculca: care and meaning | Digest Architectural

There are plants with the gift of patience and one of them is the Zamioculcathe perfect companion for all who are barely developing their ability in the world of the seedlings.

It is precisely why the importance of this quality in nature, zamioculca is a resistant plant (quite, in fact), is able to survive the worst of storms (or the most forgetful owner) and, in addition, it is a magical plant that will carry nothing more than good vibes to your home.

Thus you are looking for a strong and harmonious plant, the Zamioculca It is the best option for you. Know her and then you will thank us.

Zamioculca is a herbaceous plant with underground succulent rhizome.Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels

Zamioculca and its characteristics

The Zamioculca It is originally from the most tropical areas of Africa and its scientific name is Zamioculca Zamicifolia. It belongs to the Araceae family and is a herbaceous plant with underground succulent rhizome.

This plant is resistant due to its large tuber as a rhizome that stores water until rainfall arrives.

If you have the necessary care, it achieves a flowering of small bronze yellow flowers of 5 to 7 centimeters, hidden between the base leaves. This process is going through it from the middle of summer until the beginning of summer.

Zamioculca symbolizes life and abundance.Feey / Unspash

Zamioculca and its importance in Feng Shui

Within Eastern Philosophy, the Zamioculca It is of the utmost importance since it symbolizes life and abundance, in addition to that it is associated with wood, one of the fundamental elements of energy, balance, good health, family and engine for creativity.