Chopped paper, this is its history and meaning

In China the paper is used to create art, But this technique stood out in which figures are cut into pieces of paperwhich moved here and is called To date chopped paper. Puebla was the place that reached the most Chinese role And therefore, it was the inhabitants who acquired it most specifically, Huixcolotla. Thus, the pawns in addition to devoting themselves to agrarian work learned cut the paper and see that they were pretty And they could occur in large quantities, they decided to sell them in nearby towns.

For the first years of the twentieth century, The chopped paper was already sold in Puebla And in Tlaxcala to reach Mexico City, thus began to be put in the offer as a symbol of the wind, because we remember that the altars are made up of the four elements. It was also used to decorate the holidays for September 15 and social or religious parties. Thanks to this, The chopped paper It is part of the cultural heritage of the State of Puebla. Today, The chopped paper is made with scissors, razors and chisels, Some have letters, figures alluding to the deco and even characters like Hello Kitty or the Simpsons.

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The meaning of the chopped paper in the offering

As we mentioned before, The chopped paper It is part of the four elements. He refers to the fire, while the fire is found in the candles, the earth in the fruits and in the sawdust and finally the water that is placed in mud trays or songs, preferably.

Paper itself a kind of communicative channel between life and deathsince in ancient Mesoamerica it was used Amate's role to write codices and was considered a material from the gods. This is because the amate was a tree related to the underworld, since it was said that through it you could get from the world of the living to the dead, so The chopped paper fulfills that function in the offering.