Jade plant: care and how to decorate your home with this plant

Some of the Varieties of more coveted jade plants are:

  • «Hummel's Sunset», With leaves with yellow and red tips
  • «Tricolor»with white and cream tones leaves
  • «Et's Fingers»tubular leaves with red tips

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What care should the Jade plant have?

By belonging to the family of succulent, Jade plant requires minimum care To stay. However, it is important to carry them out Or otherwise, it will have a shorter life.

Substrate and water

First, you have to Place the Jade Plant on a substrate With a good drainage. Although it does not require much water, you have to water it every 15 days trying not to wet the leaves. In the season of winter, It only waters Once a month.


Then you have to make sure the plant Receive abundant light. In the V seasonErano, it is better not to receive a sun directly, while, in the winter, you have to prevent it from being in a cold and humid climate, since the roots can rot.

Fertilizer and pruning

Also, it is advisable to feed the Jade plant with fertilizer in each new season and carry out the pruning, to avoid diseases fungal or bacterial.

The best time of the year to prune the Jade plant is spring or summer, although it can be done at any time if necessary. The correct way to do it is removing the branches that have grown with the help of scissors. In addition, the pruned leaves can be used to obtain new plants of jade.

Interior or exterior

Jade plants They are usually placed indoors, although it is also possible to put them in exterior, only in spring or summer, since the cold and humid climate of winter can cause it to wither.