Brazilian stick: how to make it flourish

The flowers look like small buttons.Kckate16 / Getty images.

What does it mean that Brazil's stick flourishes?

Initially See Flow the Palo de Brazil It is a sign that everything is marching Well with your plant and that the care you provide are correct, precise and especially attentive to your needs.

Now, According to Feng Shuiwhen Brazil's stick blooms by itself it is because you are in a good time in life and therefore Success and fortune smile at you. If you think you are not living the moment it is because it is yet to come. In addition, energetically, everything is going very well and it is time to start something new, Whatever, even remodeling at home or a change of furniture.

When the flowers dry, you have to prune the Brazilian stick because it could damage the complete plant.Fabio Canhim / Getty Images.

How to make Brazil's stick flourish?

If you want Brazil's stick to flourish Abundantly it is necessary that you provide relevant care or otherwise, although there is abundance, it will not come at all because the Flores will not be at its maximum splendor. Once the flowersdo not hesitate to take care of them until Solitas wilt.


You should avoid exposing THE PALO DE BRAZIL to the direct sun because it could burn. Ideally, remain in a space where you receive natural lighting without excess and do not miss. Darkness could rot the leaves and dry it quickly.


The floor of the Palo de Brazil It must remain wet because it is a tropical plant, you must water it two to three times a week. If you notice that leaves become brown or get rid of, it is a sign that they require more water, this can happen in summer. It is best to spray them, instead of rehydrating the earth. Brazil's stick is divided by partsso it is probable that it is not the entire plant that needs more hydration.


This step is very important. When some sheet of Brazil's stick Start rot or dry and there is no remedy, retire it immediately, or otherwise, even if it flourishes, Abundance will not be present In your life there are dead waste. Ideally, when they bloom and dry (because it will happen, it is natural), you immediately withdraw them until No type of dead leaf or flower in Brazil's stick. Remember that The flowers They are white and small, when driving they become purple and subsequently, brown.