The curves and plans challengingly inclined They were the new architectural fashion, it did not matter if the constructions were large or small, high or horizontal, museums or churches, the only rule was to challenge the purist and orthogonal conventionalities of classical modernism. In his search for modern denial, the movement in question also rejected symmetry. In this way, the typical visual harmony, which was even driven from classical architecture, was relegated and replaced by a kind of intentional disorder.
Likewise, the exaggeration of the forms was common, to such a degree that some cataloged it as a sculptural theatricality, but For postmodern architecture the absurd was not a quality to avoid. The zoning, meanwhile, was another branch with great changes when designing, because there was no formal unification, instead, spatial fragmentation was chosen, that is, according to the architectural program, each use used to be an independent building to the rest, so that a single work could be divided into several smaller constructions.
Finally, there are colors and textures. As well as historically the target is associated with classical and neoclassical architecture, gold to baroque, black to gothic, pastel colors with the Art Decóor green and coffee with the Arts & Crafts, strident colors are typical of postmodernism. Tonal tiles, inked glass, metallic panels, dyed concrete, everything was colorful.
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Postmodern architecture is in details
From 1960 to the early 2000s, Postmodern architecture made the world tremble with designs never seen before. The United States not only saw the movement born, it also hosted its growth, cusp and gradual descent. Postmodernism, as well as in Mexico. These are the three buildings of the most outstanding postmodern architecture.