Halfeti roses
It is common to find roses dyed artificially In many shades, including black color. However, natural black roses if they exist since in a small village in Türkiye called Halfeti, CI pray a variety of natural roses that have such concentrated pigmentation that they look black. The bad news is that it is complicated that this Rosa grows in another part of the world since it is necessary to imitate the pH and the soil conditions of that area.
Saúco Negro
Saúco's trees are known for their great foliage, but There is a variety of Saúco known as Black Beauty Eldelberry which is very similar to the traditional Saúco tree, but with a foliage of a very dark violet. This tree adapts very well to wet soils and produces numerous berries which are used to make jams and syrups that also presume the elegant black color.
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Victoriana Silver Lace Black Primula
If you are looking for a black flower that flourishes during winter, The Primula called «Victoriana Silver Lace Black» will love. This original plant blooms during the winter with small and shocking flowers and its intense its green foliage. This variety of particular primulas has almost black flowers with the edge of its white petals and the golden yellow center So it looks like a lace design.
Hechera Obsidian
This beautiful black plant is known by several namesthe most popular are heuche obsidian, coral, coral flower or coral bells. But regardless of the name that is known, this plant is that it is one of the favorites to decorate the gardens with dark or black plants. The leaves of this plant are large and of such a dark color that they give the feeling of being black Although you can find shades in dark, orange and of course, black.