The home remedies of grandmothers are almost always effective, for example, Egg shell for plants and the numerous benefits for them. The egg is considered a supernaliement and, according to experts, must be part of your diet due to the amount of its micro and macronutrients. However, not only the clear and the yolk are powerful, also the peels and, perhaps, you did not know.
The Egg shells They have important properties that will benefit your seedlings and if you want them to grow healthy and healthy, it is time for you to know how to correctly apply this natural, economical and easy remedy.
Benefits of eggshell on plants.Ceyda çiftci / UNSPLSH
Egg shell for plants
It is a very effective ecological resource and that, in addition, you surely have at hand. The eggshell It can improve the Health of your plants Thanks to its powerful properties; So next time do not throw them in the trash and let your Plantitas Enjoy the Benefits of egg shells.
Fights the pests of slugs and snails
The eggshell It helps create a barrier that slugs or snails will not want to break down, because they hate the texture because they are punctured and hurt with the tiny pieces of the peels.
Calcium fertilizer
With the eggshell You can create a calcium, easy and economical fertilizer. The ideal is to crush the leftovers and spread them on the floor of your plant; They will be rich minerals that will improve development, in addition, they prevent rot and, in the case of flowers – especially roses – they favor their flowering.
Reduces soil acidity
For good growth, many plants need specific types of soil due to the acidity that they can cause, fortunately eggshell It has the power to control it and that your little ones grow healthy and saved. To achieve this, you must be very patient and constant, because you will add the ground peel for several weeks and it will be the irrigation that helps to release the components of it.
Homemade compost
If you usually create your own organic fertilizer or compost, do not hesitate to add it Egg shells To be much richer for your plants. The results in their growth and health will see them instantly.