New Year's candles: Meaning and colors of the Candles of Divine Providence

The candles and new year They are usually going hand in hand for several reasons: one of them are the popular candles of the Divine Providence but they also have to do with New Year Rituals to decree abundance and even to harmonize our home through aromas.

A new year is approaching, a new opportunity to start projects, intention and work on those goals for which we set limits of 12 months to meet them, those that we put ourselves as purposes when eating the New Year grapes.

Among all the candles, those of Providence are of the busy.

Courtesy Onora

What are the candles of the Divine Providence?

The candles They have a very deep meaning and, at the same time, simple: The light That helps us open our paths, in addition to going to religious lands are usually a sign of faith.

The Divine Providence candles They intend to open our paths throughout the year with concrete intentions and, as their name says, they have the mission of providing what we will need during the next 365 days.

There are 12 candles of the divine providenceone for each month of the year.

What is your favorite color?

Carlos Molina Barriga

Colors and the meaning of divine providence candles

The Divine Providence candles are 12 And this is his color per month and its meaning.