30 Phrases of Frida Kahlo to understand the love and pain of his work

«I suffered two serious accidents in my life: one is from the tram, the other is Diego. Diego was the worst of all»When they questioned her about her csobre feeling Diego Rivera.

«I paint myself because I am who I know best«

«You deserve a lover who loves you disheveled, with everything and all the reasons that make you wake up quickly and the demons that do not let you sleep»Despite suffering for love, Frida used to advise her friends motivating her own love.

«It is so unpleasant to feel that a woman is able to sell every little piece of her convictions or feelings only for the ambition of money or scandal»They once called it» sold «or that it was nothing more than a check artist; However, she always defended her ideals.

«I used to think that I was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought, there are many people like that in the world, there must be someone like me, who feels bizarre and damaged in the same way. I imagine it, and I imagine that she must also be thinking about me. Well, I hope that if you are out there and you read this, you know that, it is true, I am here and I am as strange as you«

She expressed her feelings in her work

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«At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we believe we can»About to die, he suffered even more his loneliness.

«The painting has filled my life. Painting has replaced everything»She herself motivated her reasons to live.

«I am free to give myself to myself«

«I am my own muse, I am the person I know best. The topic I want to know better»In response to the narcissism they constantly accused her.