The lyrics, inspired by the patriotic fervor, was written by González Bocanegra, while Nunó contributed the melody that would perfectly complement the poet's words. Despite initial criticism for the nationality of Nunóthe resulting work became a unifying symbol for Mexico.
The verses of this impressive composition allude to The defense of the country before a possible foreign invasion Not only are they an exaltation of patriotism, but also an expression of the collective consciousness of a people that have experienced throughout its history various threats to their sovereignty.
A Mexican and a Spaniard gave life to the Mexican national anthem.Alena Darmel / Pexels.
When is Mexican national anthem used?
The national anthem is a national symbol that is interpreted only in acts of an official nature, Civic, cultural, school or sports. Its execution is a sample of respect for our nation and its national symbols, especially during ceremonies such as the raising of the flag.
During the interpretation of the national anthem, everyone present must adopt a Posture of respect: Men must be standing, with their heads discovered and the right hand extended on the chest, at the height of the heart; While women must also stand, with their right hand in the same position. This position It symbolizes our unity and respect for national symbols.
Here lived the heroes who freed Mexico from Spain.Jorge Aguilar / UNSPLASH.
Is authorization needed to use Mexican national anthem?
To use the Mexican national anthem in theater, cinema, radio or television, it is necessary to obtain a Prior authorization of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Culture. The application must include a detailed description of the project and a sample of the audiovisual material.
Obtaining the corresponding permit to use the national anthem is essential for Avoid legal sanctions. In case of breach, the people involved are exposed to fines that can reach significant amountsas well as arrest penalties. Altering the letter of the anthem is considered a serious fault and can lead to the most severe sanctions.