This is the myth of Quetzalcoatl, the «feathered snake»

Quetzalcoatl It was one of the most important gods of Mesoamerican cultures, whose origin dates back to the Toltec culture.

This deity Ave and snake mixture, He was considered the most powerful God in different pre -Hispanic pantheons and represented the duality between the physical condition of man and his spiritual part, so his legend played a crucial role before the arrival of the Spaniards.

Next, we share The myth of Quetzalcóatl, the «feathered snake.»

The origin of Quetzalcoatl dates back to the Toltec culture.


Who was Quetzalcoatl?

Also known as the «Feathered snake «, Quetzalcoatl He was one of the most important gods of Mesoamerican cultures. A bird and snake mixture, whose name is a combination of the words in Nahuatl «Quetzal» which means feathered emerald bird, and «coatl» which means snake.

The origin of this deity goes back to the Toltec culture and represented the duality between the physical condition of man, by his snake body and his spiritual part, for his feathers.

The legend of Quetzalcoatl

The legend of Quetzalcoatl It goes back to Toltec civilization, one of the oldest Mesoamerican cultures. This God was represented in a carved stone with the figure of a snake and a man at his feet and was described as a man of clear complexion, beard, blond hair, with a domain of various practices such as agriculture, goldsmiths, navigation and astronomy.

Called «Ce ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl «this man arrived at the Toltec people to share his knowledge with the inhabitants of Tollan, the most important city of this civilization.

So, Quetzalcoatl He won respect among the Toltecs, who called him «feathered snake», referring to the God of nature and vegetation, becoming a kind of ruler and half -way for this culture.