Moses cradle, the most elegant and chic plant you must have at home

The Earth of the crib of Moses must remain wetbut not wet. All excess is bad, so the irrigation system changes every season. In spring he needs plenty of water, but without grozing the pot. In winter, The lily must stay wet Only when the earth is completely dry.

Among the better care, the more beautiful the cradle of Moses will be.

Osakawayne Studios / Getty Images

What care should the flow of the crib of Moses have?

If your Moses cradle already has a flower Or in the growth process one of them springs, it is important that, despite the season, the earth is wet and temperature of 20 ºC. Similarly, the leaves must be kept clean and to get it you have to pass a wet cotton wipe on them without rubbing them too much, If they remain full of dust, the photosynthesis process is not carried out correctly.

It is not that the cradle of Moses must constantly change home, Rather, every year or as it grows, it is adequate to transplant it. The only detail is that it must be a pot with holes to be able to drain the water and if possible, that it is on a spacious and little deep plate.

Is the cradle of Moses of sun or shadow?

It is not necessary to be directly in the sun, but A good light source is neededso it is better to be located near a window or a balcony to receive it well. Depending on the intensity of the sun, it will be the hours that is exposed to him.

How to make Moses the cradle flourish?

Initially, Moses's cradle must be with The right sun As we mentioned, but it is important that you have a substrate to grow better. Now, Irrigation is of the utmost importance and as soon as Gently clean the flower with a little cotton and water.