This is how the blue quartz works: the most relaxing stone of all

Know the properties of the blue quartz.

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Thanks to its properties, the Blue quartz It is one of the most used stonessince this symbolizes Relaxation, tranquility and calm.

This stone that should be tone to the presence of Riebeckita, Help to have a better control of emotions, So it is used both in the decoration of the J Jewelry.

Next, we share Everything you should know about the blue quartz.

The blue quartz is known for its relaxing properties.

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Blue Quartz, a relaxing stone

The blue quartz is one of the most used stonesnot only for its beauty, but for its relaxing properties, which help to have a better management of emotions.

This variety of pure quartz owes its shades to the presence of Riebeckitaand its main deposits They are found in the United States, Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela, Sasí as in Italy, Switzerland and Spain.