The purple maguey will bewade you with its powerful color and give a beautiful touch to the decoration of your home, in addition to it is ideal if you are barely entering the world of plants.
It is a very independent species that you will love to take home, its presence is imposing and its very simple care, in addition to having numerous medicinal benefits, of course, you must carry them out under the supervision of an expert.
The purple maguey is considered one of the most important medicinal species in all of Mexico and has currently taken much more strength as a decorative plant, therefore, do not hesitate to take care of one, its presence will attract a lot of elegance and light where you colors it.
The purple maguey is considered one of the most important medicinal species in all of Mexico.Christian Petzold / UNSPLASH
The purple maguey and its characteristics
Your scientific name is Tradescantia Spathaceaalso known as maguey, purple magueyMatlali and Zopilotera. It is a herbaceous species that is part of the Commelináceas family.
It is a very attractive plant with a short stem, where several spliced leaves originate that open in an arrostered form, as its length in vertical direction increases. The leaves adopt a form of sword and can measure up to 30 centimeters. Generally its obverse is green and its reverse is presented in different shades of violet or purple.
He purple maguey It also has flowers and these can be white and with a very small size, so much that they are usually protected by bracts of the same color as the reverse of their elongated leaves.
He purple maguey He is a fan of warm and semi -warm climates, according to the Mexican Traditional Medicine Library of the Mexican Autonomous University (UNAM), who also ensures that this plant lives in broad regions of Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America.