What is a sketch and what is it for?

One of the more useful elements Within architecture is the sketcha Sketch Sketch To represent a space, whether real or imaginary.

This sketch that is generally used as guide For detailed elaboration or to sell the idea to a client.

Know everything you should know about this concept and how to make one!

A sketch can be defined as a sketch on hand to represent an idea or space.Getty images

What is a sketch?

The sketch is a concept whose origin dates back to France in the 18th century, which refers to «Fast drawing» or «Sketch» generally used in technical drawing, graphic design, architecture and arts in general.

Thus, the sketch constitutes a Paso prior to the definitive elaboration of a drawing or designsince it is generally performed by hand, without geometric instruments, with simple and clean lines, as well as indefinite proportions of reality.

What is a sketch for?

The sketch serves to quickly capture an idea, To capture the imagined or simply to release the hand to exercise the technique of drawing, either in architecture or in the arts.

What is the difference between sketch and plane?

The main difference between the sketch and the plane is the precision: While the first is a loud hand drawing with pencil and paper and without the help of geometric instruments, the plane details the proportions and measures of an object or a place, capturing greater detail to represent an idea or reality.

The main difference between a sketch and a plane is precision, since it will be carried out without geometric instruments.Visoot Uthairam / Getty Images

What are the types of sketch?

Although all sketches are characterized by being a drawing with few details, handmade and with scoring, they can be distinguished different types:


These represent land, countries or regions imitating the point of view of the maps.


Used to reproduce the Point of view of the cartoonistas a kind of mental photography.


This type of sketch has educational purposes, since they allow the student to finish the lines or intervene in the represented.


These are performed from scratch, allowing the flow of the imagination of the person.


Are Sketches of an object or model It is desired to copy on paper, widely used in painting or artistic drawing.

Steps to make a sketch

Prepare a Architectural sketch It is very simple, just follow the following steps:

  1. From something simple and general, as a geometric description of space or object in interest.
  2. Order the forms of the idea or observation, respecting a certain proportion and meaning to give it a real perspective.
  3. In the case of spaces, it is recommended Start drawing following the meaning in which the stay or clock needles are seen.
  4. Add the most important detailsas doors and windows, unintentionally.
  5. Get out of the margin of the minor details, so that whoever observes it can understand the general idea.