The Pascualita: The legend of the brawm embalmed in Chihuahua

But, we go a little further back. It is said that Pascualita was, in reality, the Daughter of Esparza Perales de Pérez, owner of the storea promising young woman about to marry her fiance. However, fate played a cruel joke when A scording ended his life on his wedding day. Unable to accept the loss of her daughter, her mother made a decision that would mark her forever: embalm her and exhibit her as an eternal girlfriend in the showcase of her store.

Given the loss, Mrs. Esparza could not resign himself to the idea of ​​saying goodbye to her daughter. Consumed by pain, it is believed that made the heartbreaking decision of embalmturning it into an eternal presence in your life. Thus, until the day of her death in 1967, Mrs. Esparza was able to contemplate her daughter's serene face, even in such a macabre state.

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What happened to the Pascualita Mannequin?

Despite the changes of owners, The popular is still the home of this mannequin disturbingattracting curious and lovers of the macabre everywhere, since this mannequin became the center of innumerable urban rumors and legends.

Some store employees They claim to have seen the mannequin's eyes move or perceive a strange aura around them. The idea that the exposed figure was nothing more than a mannequin, but the embalmed body of a young woman, spread as a gunpowder, turning the Pascualita into one of the most disturbing mysteries in the city of the North.

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Is it possible to see the Pascualita mannequin?

They say that at nightfall, when the city lights go out and the silence wraps the store, the Pascualita comes alive. With supernatural elegance, it slides between wedding dressestouring every corner of the popular.

When visiting Chihuahua it is essential to go to the popular. Besides, Legend tells that he brings good luck to future wives: It is said that if a girlfriend acquires the same dress that looks Pascualita, her marriage will be prosperous and durable, blessed by the spirit of the young woman.