Among the most popular plants in history are sunflowersthanks to its physical beauty and, of course, to its vibrant yellow color, without forgetting its large size. Besides, These flowers are also some of the favorites to decorate regardless of whether they are in vases, pots and even prints or paintings. Next we will tell you everything about its most outstanding characteristics, what are the ideal care for keep them healthy and even the meaning of sunflowers.
What is sunflower and what are its distinctive characteristics?
Sunflower is one of the most popular flower plants today. This beautiful plant is originally from America, specifically from the center and the north of the continent, Mexico being the main producer. It is also one of the favorite flowers for the ornamentation of gardens and floral arrangements, since Sunflowers are also one of the most cultivated for the food sector.
The most important characteristic and for which these flowers receive their name, is Its ability to follow the Route of the Sunsince they turn in search of sunlight. Sunflower has the ability to move and guide its leavesits stems and flowers towards the sun naturally already is known as Heliotropism. Sunflowers seek sunlight at all timesso they can twist and move until they receive the light they need.
A curious fact of these flowers is that Sunflowers are very ordered and organized and it is believed that they have a self -organization behavior.
Sunflower and its beautiful figure
Sunflower is a plant that presents a straight and thick stemand the flower is formed from a coffee center and beautiful yellow petals that surround it. The leaves are wide, oval, opposite and are covered with a kind of hair that can be rough to touch. The growth and harvest of this flower is annualwhich means that it germinates, blooms and dies within a year. The best part of these incredible flowers is that they are capable of growing up to three meters high If the proper cultivation conditions are given.