How does a man show interest? pure body language

Do you know how a man shows interest when he likes you? He often does it with unconscious signals that you have to know how to observe.

According to human behavior experts, men are biologically programmed to send physical cues when they are interested in a woman, experts say.

How a man shows interest when he likes a girl

Although human beings feel very rational, the truth is that we are an animal species and as such we have natural behaviors, such as sleeping, eating, etc.

Just as other species have mating rituals, like the dance of peacocks with their long, colorful tails to attract females, men do things subconsciously to get your attention. Take note!

He slightly opens his mouth when he sees you

If he likes what he sees, his lips will automatically open for a moment when his eyes meet or when he happens to see you.

draw your attention

To get your attention, he will try to stand out and differentiate himself from other men (the competition). He will physically distance himself from the group, tell jokes, give curious facts, dance, show some physical ability, etc.

raise your eyebrows

It is a totally unconscious reaction and it happens in a matter of seconds. When we first see someone we’re attracted to, our eyebrows go up and down. If we see that person again, we raise our eyebrows.

Try to catch your scent

When he sees you, his nostrils dilate completely unconsciously to try to perceive every last drop of your aroma. When greeting each other, you may notice that he inhales your scent by approaching your hair or neck.

He runs his hand through his hair

Guys do this unintentionally and more often than you think. Take a look back the next time you turn your back on her and I bet her hands will be on their way to touch her hair.

clothes are arranged

We all know what these preening gestures mean, they are the equivalent of feminine lipstick: “I want to look good for you”. The tie will be squared, the shirt will be straightened, etc.

Put «conqueror pose»

Throw your shoulders back to look taller, spread your legs and push your pelvis forward, putting your arms in a “jug”, with your hands on your hips; that way he looks more attractive and draws your attention to his masculinity.

he touches his face

When we are in front of a person we like, our lips and mouth become very sensitive to touch and other stimuli, so in a combination of nervous excitement, grooming and autoerotic contact, you will notice that he does not take his hands off his face.

point towards you

If he’s sitting down, he’ll sit on the edge of his seat to get closer to you.
And if he crosses his legs, the top leg will point in your direction.

He will guide you with his hand on your elbow or on the small of your back

The famous arm guide is not just good manners and a polite way to guide you through a crowd, but that way you make sure you know exactly where it is taking you.

He doesn’t want to lose you! He also shows other men that he is «watching» you so that no one else comes near you or tries to flirt with you. Basically, it marks territory.

Now that you know, don’t keep it to yourself! Your friends are eager to know this valuable information too, so, Share it on your social networks!